
Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Another Choco Love

not sure if it another or last choco love, but these're my birthday's gift.
these 23 chocolate was meant to be the colorful of life or love or anything,
hhmm, what will i say? I don't know, haha

untill today, they still there, waiting their time to be eaten,
but I don't think to eat them anymore,
even they look so delicious,
I can't let myself to continuing eat them up,
let time will eat their sweetness,
let them just be a stack of chocolate, in the end.

anyway, it's another thank you to you.

1 komentar:

  1. just eat that, at least to respect someone who gave that..

    each day each chocolate while trying to forgot everything in past like the colour in the chocolate..

    if the day passed, and the chocolate is eaten all, just be honest once again to your heart..

    if you think yourlife is better without him, congrats you done well, and you can run your life easier without knowing him anymore..

    but if you keep thinking that he is the best to accompany yourlife, just be brave to say it, and take all of the risk without complain..

    make everything easier to be live in to take every proccess..

    happy date one...
    hope you will be okay and success for your carreer..


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